Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Raspberry: A Miracle Food

Raspberry has been traditionally associated with women's health and fertility. Raspberry leaves are rich in minerals and nutrients such as citric acid, malic acid, citrate, maleate, calcium, potassium, phosphate, pectin, fructose, and vitamins A, B, C, and E . It would be a good idea to grow your own raspberry garden. Their bushes are amenable to the dry heat of the sun. When it comes to the soil, you need to maintain moisture though. They grow at least 6 feet high so carefully pick where you will grow them in your garden.

Pruning your bush and trimming down branches is ideal of you will harvest leaves. Pruning ensures a healthy plant and trimming it down helps in growing leaves.

If you really want to try out this herb but you do not have the luxury of space from your lot, then you can simply harvest them from the wild bushes down at the country trails. Just make sure to harvest more than what you think you need because the leaves shrivel once harvested. Through the ages, the red raspberry leaf has been well known as effective treatment for female reproductive problems. Raspberry tea is used for menstrual cramps and painful symptoms of PMS. It also reduces over-abundant periods and flow. In some cultures, it is believed that the raspberry leaf increases fertility among women. The scientific world explains that with continued intake of raspberry leaf, the uterine muscles are strengthened thus preparing the uterus for pregnancy. Even some men believe that the raspberry leaf can give them fertility as well.

Intake during pregnancy strengthens tissues and helps prevent hemorrhage during labor. It helps by ensuring a healthy pregnancy. It helps giving enough nutrients in a mother's milk. It also helps in increased lactation thus allowing a mother to produce more milk. Aside from these invigorating effects, the raspberry leaf also helps in fighting off sepsis, gonorrhea, malaria, leucorrhea, and dangerous pregnancies.

Raspberry tea also does wonders for the adrenal glands. Menopausal women experience fewer symptoms since adrenal glands are not too exhausted. It also works for men who have mid-life crisis and stressed out adrenal glands.

Even after giving birth, the raspberry tea helps out by preventing post-partum depression. Mild issues such as canker sores and sore throats can be treated by raspberry leaf extracts. And above all these, the red raspberry leaf can also cure urinary tract infections, cold fever, dysentery and diarrhea.

Hash:Nathan Casoulm- 2zFPltWNXAr1EtdWyIhg

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