Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Nitrogen in the water is properly cycled after 2 weeks to about 2 months

An aquarium full of fish is a fun way to experience taking care of your own pets. Fish watching is fun and a very interesting experience so you can share that experience with your guests who'd want to watch them swim around inside the tank. Taking care of your own fish is an easy thing to do and you'll learn just how simple it is to keep them alive. Managing your fish tank properly is the best way to prevent wasting your efforts and hard earned money so you have to do it right. Fish tank set up can be a bit hard but once it is done properly your fish will surely thrive and be happy living in it. Your fish bowl or aquarium would not always be clean as fish also excretes inside it. Toxic ammonia is the result of the wastes produced by the fish in the tank and it breaks down in just a few hours. Ammonia is a known toxin for fishes and it can kill them. Before you get to enjoy having your fish inside your fish tank, ensure you know about Nitrogen cycle and carry it out well. Fish dies when the ammonia concentration in the tank is already high as they excrete in the tank. The tropical fish thrives in nature as the ammonia is naturally converted to nitrates in the nitrogen cycle steps. Ammonia is toxic but is finally changed to nitrite which is what you would want to have for your fish tank. A test kit for aquarium is the best way to monitor the level of nitrogen as accurately as possible for your aquarium.

Owning a test kit that accurately detects the ammonia levels is important for any aquarium. Water nitrogen levels can be controlled in two ways and that is by changing part of the water with clean water and by nitrogen cycle manipulation. It can be time consuming to control the levels of nitrogen so you need to be patient for this to be effective. Nitrogen cycling to be properly executed can take 2 weeks to even 2 months. A fish tank can start its nitrogen cycle without the use of any kind of fish as this had been proven to be possible. Decomposition of food in the fish tank leads to the ammonia release. Clean water must be used to replace some amount of the water in the aquarium and nitrate levels should be tested periodically. To avoid killing the bacteria in the water that are beneficial to the fish, make sure you don't directly add water that has been chlorinated. Water aeration is a process that is necessary in order to make the tap water safe to be added to the aquarium. If you add antibiotics to the water of your fish tank, remember that it also kills the beneficial kinds of bacteria. An infected fish can be treated with antibiotics but make sure you get the fish first and treat it on a different aquarium. Keeping your fish alive in your tank for a long time requires that you properly manage it. Over feeding your fish will kill it as it is going to poison and contaminate the water. If the water in your aquarium is looking a bit cloudy then you must change the water.

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