Saturday, January 14, 2012

Yes, Even You Can Have A Sticky Blog for Your Business

There is a correlation between how sticky your blog is and how well it performs in the marketplace. If you're unable to get readers back to your blog then there's something lacking. Think about not only your list building but important subscribers for your RSS feed. The right start is how you end up making your blog sticky, but it's not the only thing, obviously. So this all comes down to your audience and how you can sell your blog's appeal to them. The following helpful guidelines concern these areas of blog stickiness and what you can do about it. If there is anything at all that makes you feel overwhelmed with your online business, then that just means you have to learn a bit more and get more comfortable. Web businesses smart enough to give SEO Link Monster a try and have stood the test of time will tell you the same thing, too. One very common strategy is hiring freelancers, but for most that is only possible with existing business profits. There is so much available, as you will soon discover, and we urge you to consider all strategies. Nothing beats having a solid grasp on the details of outsourcing or anything else prior to using it. We make that cautionary statement only because it will pay to be smart before you even start looking for hired help.

Take action on your blog such as openly requesting or telling people why they should subscribe to your blog's RSS feed, etc. Be willing to give them something in return even for the RSS feed subscription; of course this is the freebie giveaway that people love. That is something that has worked well with other areas, so you should test it out on your blog. People will not mind being on your RSS feed sub if they like what you do and offer for them. Do more with this and take some time to develop a PDF report that really has something good in it. It is always a good rule of thumb to post new content every day if possible. Everything about your blog needs to look attractive and valuable to the reader and that includes how often you publish. If possible, always try to do more and go farther in all you do. There are thousands of topical ideas in any niche, and you just need to learn how to spot them. Once you are in the swing of things, then you will have to become very organized as that will make you more efficient. Has our discussion sparked any new ideas about what you can do in your web business? Since we have no idea how you market or what your model is, we do realize that SEO Link Monster could be partially useful or maybe not at all depending on your situation. But you never know, we are sure some just do not have the ambition to grow or add new income streams to what they already have. When it comes to business, however, and making money - we usually think there is a desire for more expansion and business building. It only makes sense that you will want to entertain processes you have not yet used. Also, remember there is nothing wrong with testing and trying something new, and that is really the only intelligent approach to expansion.

Subscribing to your RSS feed in more than one way is a good way to go so it covers everybody. Put some nice words in the right places that encourage visitors to check out your RSS feeds. So give them other options such as subscribing to your blog through email.

It is even better when you are working on your email list because you could create a hybrid type of newsletter. So yes, taking your blog to the next level is all about understanding how you can serve your readers the best way. Do not underestimate the power that ultra spinnable articles holds for a web business, and it will be smart to explore that on your own.

Get in the habit of learning as much as possible on any marketing method because that will make your actions more effective. Whether you buy advertising or take advantage of free ads and marketing; they all need to be approached with the same degree of care and seriousness. New forms of marketing or advertising need to be treated lightly and with a little bit of care, initially. Unless you are completely confident, you would not want to treat anything new to your strategy with total confidence. Whether or not you take things slow until you have a better sense about them or not is your call. The amount of "things" you should be familiar with can seem staggering, but that is just the recommended learning curve, as we say.

There is a lot that needs to happen so a blog can become sticky plus all the other good stuff. Take your time and be sure you learn solid information and methods or else you can end up wasting time. How sticky your blog becomes will also be a function of the articles you publish on it, so do not give people old and tired information. So take action as soon as you are organized and ready to make this all come about. So put some measures in place, and then give it about a week depending on how much traffic you have.

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