Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Making Your Blog Sticky - What You Need to Know

Your blog can become profitable with a few things being less than perfect, but you cannot have much more than a few. A sticky blog is one in which visitors stay a while and even return because they find value. Getting new readers is great, but making the old ones stick for a long time is even better. Also related to this is being in the position to make people want to come back for more. You must find a way to get this information so you can create the desired effect on your own blogs. Let's take a few minutes and explore what is going on and what you should do.

Inform your readers about how to subscribe to your blog, and then give them reasons why they should do it. Just about everybody likes a good freebie, and you can think of it as incentive, a bribe or whatever. That is something that has worked well with other areas, so you should test it out on your blog. People will not mind being on your RSS feed sub if they like what you do and offer for them. Give them something that is an honest and genuine solution to some problem, and it could be something that has the ability to stand on its own as a paid-for product. Educate your readers about how they can subscribe to your blog. So when you are talking about RSS, remember that they may not really know what needs to be done. It is likely that a percentage of visitors are not all that tech savvy which is where the power lies in this approach. We have only seen a few blogs where an entire page was devoted to this, how to do it and why it should be done. Also consider you can test and make adjustments until you find what produces the best conversions.

You really must provide yourself with as many choices as possible when it comes to generating traffic. You can get a surge of targeted traffic from sites like Digg and Reddit. You do not have to use those two sites or even social media, but you will be walking away from good traffic. Remember they are social bookmarking sites, so it only makes sense that your links will be your bookmarks when you post there. There are particular strategies that can be used, but we do not have the space to go into them.

A constant execution of marketing duties is an important part of succeeding in business. You will find that time is required to create a powerfully sticky blog, but the wait is worth it.

So work on your traffic and marketing all the time while you continue testing what we have revealed to you. The growth of your blog is not dependent on how many new readers you get, but also how you keep the old ones.


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