Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Perils of Weight Loss Using Certain Methods

So you wish to get rid of a few extra pounds. There's a great deal of information to help you and you may already have a few idea of what you need to do. Because it's difficult to adopt a diet and exercise regularly, some people decide to use weight loss methods that can be very risky. Most usually, women are using these risky methods as they feel pressured into being thin by society. It is more frequent for women to utilize these terrible methods as a result of society's constant pressure to be thin. Everyone wishes to be at their best weight, but when you imperil your overall health in your pursuit to lose weight, you run the hazard of becoming ill. Today I share some information that will help you know about these risky methods.

Starvation is a usual drastic diet plan that people adopt even though it can cause them to feel very worn-out. Some people decide to not have breakfast, others skip lunch, and many decide to skip both meals. Even though your body is forcefully telling you that you're famished and need food, you convince yourself mentally that you're not famished. The body is extremely adaptable, nevertheless, and gets started to adjust to its new reality. The less you ingest food, the more your body becomes afraid that it won't have sufficient food so it adjusts your metabolism, slowing it down to the extent that you are scarcely burning any fat during the day. Alas, once you go back to eat a regular diet again, your metabolism will continue to work slowly, and you are apt to quickly put on more fat as you won't burn calories fast enough. While it is true that you can eliminate fat when you you decide to try starvation, you will lose more weight by adopting a regimen of sound diet and exercise. Isn't it better to have food, be healthy and shed off even more pounds?

Anorexia can come about when you don't eat regularly. You have a dread of food and turning overweight, resulting in becoming hazardously thin and not eating much, if anything at all. Anorexia causes you to get a vulnerable immune system and can eventually result in death. Numerous younger people follow starvation diet programs but if you mentally set your mind on starving yourself, it can lead to anorexia which is destructive for the body and your health.

Then, there is binge eating. Those who follow this method ingest huge amounts of food and then puke so that the calories do not remain in their body. Even though bulimics do not fear food such as anorexics do, they throw up the food that they ingest because they feel guilt-ridden for eating such large amounts. Binge eating is difficult to identify because bulimic people normally hold the same basic body weight. Frequent puking is terrible on your body. It can have negative outcomes on your heart, liver and kidneys. Stomach ulcers may develop because of the continual vomiting of food. Your teeth are also going to be harmed as a result of all of the stomach acid, not to mention your esophagus. Your pharynx could as well have acid burns. Your body can be severely injured by throwing up your food constantly.

My proposal is to eat, but eat in a sensible manner. Ingest smaller servings and avoid eating unhealthy foods. You can safely become slimmer without taking a chance on your health.

Louis V. Greene writes about weight loss methods along with Mother of the Bride Speech. To know more about Mother of Bride Toasts click here.

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