Saturday, October 22, 2011

A Growing Epidemic - Obesity In Teenagers And Children

Professionals and researchers have been watching the growing trend since the 1980s. Teenagers, pre-teens and even young children have been steadily gaining more and more weight and the consequences to their health are staggering. A plethora of research and study has been performed in the last twenty-plus years. One thing we know without a doubt is that obesity that happens during the younger years is a major risk factor in terrible health problems that happen in the later years. It is very important for parents to understand that this story is actually more involved. Children who suffer from clinical obesity will be forced to deal with the affects of their conditions far before they grow into adulthood. Regardless of whether it's dealing with childhood obesity or something related good diet pills, you need to take timely action.

An obese kid is on a terrible path toward impossible health problems. To use one example: fatty liver disease--just about the top disease that affects a person's liver. A while ago most people figured that alcoholism and sclerosis were the primary causes of liver problems. However today it is fatty liver disease caused by chronic obesity. What typically makes the problems with the liver worse is the fact that an obese person has really terrible metabolism. The liver helps by getting rid of anything that is not good for the body. This puts a major demand upon the bodily systems of kids and teens who are obese.

Every person who suffers from obesity usually suffers from a variety of psychological issues too. When a child feels like he is under constant abuse from peers he is more likely to hate himself, not have any self confidence and have severe stress and anxiety issues. These are silent problems that obese kids and teens often endure all by themselves. If the situation is allowed to go on long enough the person dealing with it could even develop sociopathic behaviors. We can't find any honest data about the number of obese high school students who end up going to college. Our guess is that there aren't that many or that the number of obese high school students is much higher than the number of obese college students. Would you really blame them, though, when they are probably envisioning four more years of abuse and torture? Taking the right approach to obesity is important just like herbal appetite suppressant so that the results show up.

Not only that but that, when paired with the feelings of being ostracized and bullied at school, it is a miracle if an obese child or teen doesn't develop a major social dysfunctional disorder. It is also called "social disability" and goes hand in hand with depression, extreme feelings of unhappiness, etc. A natural result from this is an exceedingly high stress level which is widely recognized as having unhealthy psychological and physical problems. One curious possible reaction is for some obese children to become the bully. What is clearly happening is the bullying behavior is an expression of the anger that has accumulated most likely from being bullied, themselves.

Kids and young adults who suffer from this condition are often given the moniker "the walking wounded." That is so because of the way obesity ravages the body and mind. So if you wish to be sure childhood obesity doesn't show up, then be sure you follow the above best hunger suppressant tips for the very best results.

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