Monday, May 21, 2012

Exposing The Major Myths About Hair Loss

Although the topic of hair loss is very straightforward, many myths have been created over the years. With so many different causes for this condition, it is open to a great deal of speculation. Skepticism is definitely a useful commodity when taking a look at hair loss treatments on the market today. Some will work and some will not. This article will present facts and myths related to hair loss in an attempt to help you make the right choice.

To get thick luscious hair, there is a myth that states if you cut it regularly it will grow back in a healthier more vibrant manner. What usually happens is people will start shaving their heads thinking that this will help them avert the inevitable hair loss that they will soon face. Sadly, this does not help most people. What tends to happen is people realize that this activity has absolutely nothing to do with preventing hair loss or improving their hair. Since the thickest part of your hair is actually at the base near the root, hair simply looks thicker when cut short. So once your hair grows back, you will see that the thickness has remained the same. There is a common myth that scarves and hats will actually cause hair loss. This probably is not the case even if they are worn tightly. The reason people think this is that there is the possibility that you are cutting off the circulation of blood to your scalp which will cause your hair to fall out. Air that your hair follicles need come from the blood cells traveling through your veins, not the outside air through your lungs. The manner in which hair follicles get oxygen is not inhibited, as you can see, by wearing something tightly across your head.

Some people believe that certain hairstyles actually create hair loss problems. It is definitely possible for hair loss to happen in this way. If you wear a style that's very tight, such as a ponytail, cornrow or dreadlocks, this can cause a type of hair loss called alopecia. Your hair can actually be permanently damaged by using these particular styles.

By finding a different way to wear your hair, in a much looser style, hair loss will not appear. Over the years, your hairstylist may be your worst enemy! The chemicals that they use on your hair can contribute to hair loss. However, if you're suffering from pattern baldness, you can't reverse this by changing your hair style.

For many years, researchers have concluded that hair loss originates in many ways. Young people, and old people, suffer from hair loss. Age definitely brings this upon you. Several hair loss myths continue to be passed from person to person, some of which are completely untrue. Some of them are true occasionally which should be noted. In order to know what's causing your hair loss, you have to understand if it's caused by pattern baldness or something else.

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